We've worked with the Heart Foundation to find the perfect balance of heart healthy goodness without compromising on taste. We utilise plenty of herbs, spices, aromatics, and fresh produce to deliver the flavour. To make our meals heart healthy, we've included lots of veggies, whole grains, heart healthy fats and proteins.
Veggies are at the core of our Heart Healthy meals. We ensure there's plenty of veg in every meal, and plenty of variety in the veg we use. Colourful, fiber-rich and nutrient-dense veggies are key to our dishes.
Whole Grains
We focus on using whole grains to ensure we're getting all the nutritional goodness. You'll also see some ancient grains like freekeh, farro, quinoa and wild rices from time to time.
Heart Healthy Fats
We hero heart healthy oils like olive oils. These oils are rich in unsaturated fats (the heart healthy kind) such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Nuts and seeds, olives, avocado, and salmon are foods that deliver these heart healthy fats, you'll see these feature in our menus.
Heart Healthy Protein Sources
We’ll feature a range of plant-based proteins like legumes, tofu, nuts and seeds, as well as sustainably caught seafood. You'll also see free-range chicken and eggs, and a portion of red meat or cheese from time to time, paired with plenty of veggies.
There will be two heart healthy options on offer in our My Choice Bags each week and these will display a "With Support from the Heart Foundation" (see picture below!) so they can be easily recognisable.
You can also find these meals in the "Low Carb & Healthier" preference which you can select on the top left corner of your screen.
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